It's been a quiet April as I finished up the semester's classes and started to switch gears for the summer. I'm looking forward to being able to devote a good deal more of my time to writing in the coming months.
I've recently finalized a contract with the Ann Arbor District Library to make my books available in their electronic catalogue (basically eBook downloads for library members). I found the deal very encouraging, as the library represents some of that "outside approval" that self-publishers so acutely lack in the beginning. Here's hoping that some portion of the AADL's 60k+ membership are approving as well.
I intend to use this as a springboard in order to contact other libraries in Michigan and see if any are interested in a similar arrangement. Once I have my books in actual print (which is rather high on my summer to-do list) I aim to supply at least the AADL with a couple copies (should they be interested). Always nice to have some presence on the physical shelf-space as well.